Villazar Barangay High School as it is called was founded on February 14, 1971 through the initiative of Mrs. Concepcion C. Navera, Elementary School Prinicipal of North Villazar Elementary School.
Barangay Resolution No. 1, s. 1969 sponsored by then Mrs. Gleceria Uson, First Councilor, together with the Barangay Council of North Villazar under the leadership of Barangay Captain Valentin Fajardo; the long-awaited dream of the people in this place was realized.
The Barangay Center was used as the classroom of the first organized class with seventeen (17) students in June 1970. Mrs. Naty L. Villafuerte and Rev. Father Rosalio B. Olaybal were the volunteer teachers. Mrs. Adelaide Steves, Ms. Nelia Malabanan, Mrs. Elisa Basinal from the elementary were part time teachers. Miss Salve Camapana was the first appointed teacher (1970-1973).
A PTA cottage was constructed at the Elementary School campus. Additional teachers were appointed due to the rapid increase of enrolment. Mrs. Asuncion de Torres, Marcelo Abergos, Mrs. Hilaria Peñano, and Mrs. Primitiva B. Quingquing were called the four (4) pillars of Villazar Barangay High School. They struggled in time of so much hardship and difficulties. Inspite of the so many problems such as lack of school facilities and teaching personnel, the school was able to answer the educational needs of the community, under the administration of Mrs. Concepcion Navera as Assistant Principal. When she was promoted Principal II in Sipocot North Central School, Mr. Vicente Nocos became the next Administrator of
Villazar Barangay High School from 1974-1988. It was during his time that the teachers of St. Vincent Academy headed by Sofronio D. Bardeloza were hired in Villazar Barangay High School. The sudden increase of enrolment forced them to use the vacant classroom of the elementary.
When the school was nationalized, Mr. Sofronio D. Bardeloza was designated Teacher-in-charge in 1988-1991. He managed the school for three (3) years.
It was in June 1991, when Dr. Hilaria M. Peñano, one of the pioneer teachers became the school head; she decided to transfer to the school site of Villazar National High School. The new school site was donated by Mrs. Adriana Data out of her desire to help in the educational upliftment of the youths.
There were two (2) buildings from DPWH, and fortunately two story building; HE building and administrative building were constructed. This SEDP building is equipped with additional facilities, such as; teachers, table, and chairs, the HE building with furnitures and fixtures, the science laboratory with science equipments, laboratory table and stool. And TLE equipments were also provided.
The inspiration and guidance of Dr. Vita Q. Avenido, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, In-charge of Secondary, and the efforts of the twenty (20) hardworking and devoted teachers and administration of Villazar National High School become more progressive due to the continuous support of the PTA, Barangay Council of North Villazar, headed by then Barangay Captain Sinforoso Torrente and other LGU officials of the school feeder barangay.
Villazar National High School was chosen to be the Environmental Pilot School. Mr. Mariano R. Villafuerte Jr. initiated and helped to put-up mini forest. The DENR provided us the various tree seedlings; on the other hand, faculty and students of Villazar National High School together with Barangay Officials planted forest trees; the mini-forest came into existence.
Through the concerted efforts of Villazar National High School Community, PTCA and Friends of Education, Villazar NHS has a beautiful and peaceful environment. The school received the Regional Saringgaya Award.
Considering the school site of 7,144 square meters and the fast growing population, Dr. Hilaria M. Peñano, prepared a feasibility study of opening an extension classes in Barangay Calagbangan to accommodate all enrollees at the same time bring the school closer to its clientle. This was realized in June, 2005. Sacred Heart High School became the extension of Villazar National High School with just a year of existence a rapid increase in enrollment was already noted.
At present, through the leadership of Mr. Manuel S. Patiam, Secondary School Principal I from May 2012 up to present, Villazar National High School has maintained its deep commitment and passion in giving quality education as embodied in its vision and mission. In the academic setting, our school has always been a consistent performing school in the National Achievement Test. Received exceptional awards in some academic contests in the division and regional levels. Winner also in all cultural competitions in sipocot district.
From 20 teachers before, Villazar National High School has now 29 dedicated teachers and one Guidance Counselor for 829 enrolled students.
To answer other needs of the school in its smooth operation as partly fiscal autonomous, we were provided with one Senior Bookkeeper and one Disbursing Officer in the Accounting Section. Plus the support staff, the two administrative aides in the administrative section of the school.
Through the collaborative efforts of the parents, PTA, principal, teachers and students, Villazar National High School had acquired/put up additional facilities, such as; three new comfort rooms were constructed, 2 water systems to address water scarcity, rooms for dressmaking and beauty care were improved and tools/equipment needed were provided, supply room/instrumentation room, records section room and guidance counselor office were realized. Each subject department, such as Filipino, English, and Araling Panlipunan also had initiated construction of their offices, including the office of the Supreme Student Government that serves students needs and concern. The multi-purpose hall/building near school chapel is now in its completion.
By virtue of the Republic Act Number 10533, also known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act, into Law, the K to 12 Law, Villazar National High School implements Senior High School as part of compulsory Basic Education to offer General Academic Strand, Computer Hardware Servicing and Hairdressing under Technical-Vocational and Livelihood. As a result, additional two story building with eight classrooms is now being constructed. As experienced, road to Senior High School is not easy. Challenges await ahead. There could be alignment and adjustment. But the fruit of it is sweet once fully implemented.